How to turn off DND on Mac?

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I’ve been struggling with missing important notifications on my Mac because Do Not Disturb (DND) is constantly on. I find it really frustrating, especially when I’m waiting for critical updates or messages. I’ve tried looking through the system settings, but I can’t seem to figure out how to turn off Do Not Disturb. There’s so much information out there, but a lot of it is either outdated or too technical for me to follow. I’ve checked out the menu bar and the Notification Center, but somehow the option to disable DND eludes me. Can anyone provide a clear and easy-to-follow guide on how to turn off DND on my Mac?


5 Answers


I actually like using Siri for some of these settings because it’s super fast. Try this:

  1. Activate Siri by clicking the Siri icon in the menu bar or by pressing ‘Command + Space.’
  2. Say ‘Turn off Do Not Disturb.’

And Siri will promptly turn off the Do Not Disturb mode for you. It’s great for when your hands are full and you need a quick way to access settings.


I’ve had this same issue before, and it can definitely be annoying. Here’s what worked for me:

  1. Open the Notification Center by clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the menu bar.
  2. Scroll up slightly to reveal the ‘Do Not Disturb’ toggle.
  3. Click on the toggle to turn it off.

This should disable Do Not Disturb mode and allow all your notifications to come through.


I completely understand your frustration. Do Not Disturb has its uses, but not when you’re waiting for important notifications! Here’s what to do manually:

  1. Open ‘System Preferences’ from the Apple menu.
  2. Click on ‘Notifications’ & tap ‘Do Not Disturb.’
  3. Just toggle off the ‘Do Not Disturb’ option.

Easy and quick!


Turning off DND on macOS can be a bit elusive if you’re not familiar. Here’s a different approach to disable it:

  1. Press the ‘Option’ key and click on the date and time in the top right corner of your screen.
  2. You will see the ‘Do Not Disturb’ icon appear.
  3. Simply click on it to turn off DND.

This method is really handy and quick once you know about it.


To turn off Do Not Disturb on your Mac, follow these steps. It’s quite straightforward once you know where to look:

  1. Click on the Apple menu in the top left corner of your screen.
  2. Select ‘System Preferences.’
  3. Choose ‘Notifications.’
  4. You will see ‘Do Not Disturb’ at the top of the list on the left-hand side. Click on it.
  5. Uncheck the box next to ‘Turn on Do Not Disturb.’
  6. You can also adjust the scheduled times if you need it to be off at specific hours.

That’s it! Your notifications should start coming through immediately.