How can I turn off autoplay on my iPhone?

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How can I turn off autoplay on my iPhone?

I’ve been noticing that videos and other media on my iPhone start playing automatically, and it’s becoming quite annoying. Whether I’m browsing through social media apps, visiting websites, or even using certain applications that support video content, the autoplay feature kicks in without my consent. This not only disrupts my browsing experience but also consumes my data and drains my battery faster. I’ve tried looking through the settings, but I’m not sure where and how to effectively disable this feature. I need a better understanding of how to turn off autoplay on my iPhone to regain control over my media consumption.


4 Answers


My personal method of stopping autoplay on my iPhone involved adjusting settings specifically in Safari:
1. Open Safari and visit any website.
2. Tap the ‘aA’ icon in the address bar.
3. Select Website Settings from the menu.
4. Find the Auto-Play option and toggle it off.
Customizing the settings per website has given me better control and a quieter browsing experience.


I tackled the autoplay issue by adjusting settings in individual apps, particularly Facebook and YouTube. Here’s what I did:

For Facebook:
1. Open the Facebook app and tap the menu (three horizontal lines).
2. Navigate to Settings & Privacy, then select Settings.
3. Scroll to Preferences, tap Media, and set Video Autoplay to Never Autoplay Videos.

For YouTube:
1. Open the YouTube app and tap the profile picture.
2. Go to Settings.
3. Select General and toggle off Autoplay next video.
These adjustments have allowed me to control the autoplay feature on a per-app basis more effectively.


To disable autoplay on my iPhone, I navigated through a few settings. Here’s my step-by-step process:
1. Open the Settings app.
2. Scroll down and tap on Accessibility.
3. Select the Motion option.
4. Locate Auto-Play Video Previews and toggle it off. This method effectively stopped videos from automatically playing in most apps, leading to a smoother experience.


In my approach, I considered both native settings and app-specific tweaks to handle autoplay on my iPhone comprehensively.
1. I visited Settings > General > Restrictions and enabled them to manage settings including autoplay.
2. In social media apps like Instagram and Twitter, I manually adjusted autoplay settings to prevent automatic video play.
Checking for software updates occasionally, as new features can alter settings, was also part of my routine. A holistic approach combining built-in and app-level adjustments proved thorough and beneficial for my requirements.