How can I change laptop settings when closing the lid?

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I have been using my laptop frequently, and I often close the lid when I need to move from one place to another or when I am taking a break. However, every time I close the lid, my laptop either goes to sleep or shuts down, which is not always convenient for me. Sometimes, I need it to remain on, so I don’t lose my progress on work or ongoing tasks. I have heard that there are settings that can be adjusted to change the behavior of my laptop when the lid is closed, but I’m not sure where to find these settings or how to adjust them properly. I’m also concerned about managing power options effectively so that my battery life is optimized when changing these settings. I would appreciate some guidance on how to navigate through these settings and understand the implications of the changes I make.


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Changing laptop settings for when you close the lid is crucial for maintaining your workflow without interruptions. Here’s a varied method for adjusting these settings:
1. Right-click on the battery icon in the system tray and choose ‘Power Options.’
2. In Power Options, click on ‘Choose what closing the lid does’ on the left-hand side.
3. You will see options for ‘On battery’ and ‘Plugged in,’ corresponding to closing the lid.
4. Select your preference for each: ‘Do nothing,’ ‘Sleep,’ ‘Hibernate,’ or ‘Shut down’ from the dropdown menus.
5. Ensure you click ‘Save changes’ at the bottom of the window to keep the new settings.

These modifications can be especially useful if you frequently move your laptop or need it to remain active for specific tasks.


Here’s another detailed way to adjust your laptop’s settings for closing the lid. This method focuses on multiple operating systems and might be a bit elaborate, but it’s helpful:

For Windows 10/11:
1. Open the Start menu and type ‘Control Panel,’ then hit Enter.
2. In Control Panel, choose ‘System and Security,’ followed by ‘Power Options.’
3. In the left pane, click on ‘Choose what closing the lid does.’
4. You’ll see options for power settings such as ‘Do nothing,’ ‘Sleep,’ ‘Hibernate,’ or ‘Shut down’ under ‘When I close the lid.’
5. Adjust to your preference for situations where your laptop is ‘On battery’ and ‘Plugged in.’
6. Click ‘Save changes’ when you’re done.

For macOS:
1. Open ‘System Preferences’ from the Apple menu.
2. Click on ‘Energy Saver’ or ‘Battery’ in newer versions.
3. Adjust the settings according to your preference for Battery and Power Adapter to control sleep settings.

For both systems, changing these settings is simple and can substantially benefit how your laptop serves your workflow.


To change your laptop settings when closing the lid, here’s a simple guide:
1. Click the Start menu and select ‘Control Panel.’
2. In the Control Panel, go to ‘Hardware and Sound.’
3. Under ‘Power Options,’ click ‘Change what closing the lid does.’
4. You will see options for ‘When I close the lid,’ with settings for both ‘On battery’ and ‘Plugged in.’
5. Choose ‘Do nothing,’ ‘Sleep,’ ‘Hibernate,’ or ‘Shut down’ based on your preference.
6. Click ‘Save changes.’

By customizing these settings, you can control how your laptop behaves when you close the lid, ensuring it suits your needs.


To alter the settings for your laptop when the lid closes, follow these clear steps:
1. Click the Start menu and go to ‘Settings.’
2. Select ‘System’ and then ‘Power & sleep.’
3. You’ll find ‘Additional power settings’ link. Click it.
4. In the newly opened window, select ‘Choose what closing the lid does’ from the left-side menu.
5. Here, you can choose between ‘Do nothing,’ ‘Sleep,’ ‘Hibernate,’ or ‘Shut down’ for both battery and plugged-in conditions.
6. Save your changes to apply new settings.

These steps should ensure your laptop responds exactly how you need it to when you close the lid.


If you’re looking to adjust your laptop’s behavior when closing the lid, you can do so by following these steps:
1. Press the Windows key and type ‘Control Panel.’
2. Select ‘Control Panel’ from the search results.
3. Navigate to ‘System and Security’ and click on ‘Power Options.’
4. On the side menu, select ‘Choose what closing the lid does.’
5. A window will open where you can set actions for ‘When I close the lid’ in both ‘On battery’ and ‘Plugged in’ modes.
6. From the dropdown menus, select your desired action – ‘Do nothing,’ ‘Sleep,’ ‘Hibernate,’ or ‘Shut down.’
7. Click ‘Save changes’ to apply.

Modifying these settings helps manage your laptop’s behavior effectively, whether you need it to stay awake for ongoing tasks or save power.