How do I adjust screen timeout on my Mac?

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How do I adjust screen timeout on my Mac?

I’ve been using my Mac for a while now, and I’ve noticed that the screen goes to sleep much quicker than I’d like it to. It starts to get frustrating, especially when I’m in the middle of reading an article or reviewing detailed data on my screen. I assume there’s a setting somewhere that will allow me to adjust this timeout period, but I’m not entirely certain where to find it or how to change it. I would like to have a better understanding of how to manage these settings so that my screen stays active for a longer period when I need it to. Can someone explain in detail the steps needed to adjust the screen timeout on a Mac?


4 Answers


I had a similar issue not long ago, and here’s how I fixed it:
1. Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner, then select ‘System Preferences.’
2. From there, choose ‘Displays,’ and then click ‘Energy Saver’ at the bottom.
3. You’ll see a slider for ‘Turn display off after.’ Drag this slider to set the duration you’d prefer—something between 1 minute and 3 hours usually works best.
4. Remember, if you’re using a MacBook, you can set different intervals for when it’s plugged in and when it’s running on battery.


On my Mac, adjusting the screen timeout was necessary for my workflow. Here’s the process I followed:
1. Hit the Apple icon and select ‘System Preferences.’
2. Within ‘System Preferences,’ go to ‘Energy Saver.’
3. There are two sections: ‘Battery’ and ‘Power Adapter.’ Each has a slider named ‘Turn display off after.’ Adjust these sliders as per your needs.
4. I also checked ‘Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off’ to ensure my apps stay active.
5. Lastly, if you need a quick screen-off option, set up ‘Hot Corners’ via ‘Mission Control’ in ‘System Preferences.’ It’s super handy!


If you’re looking to keep your screen active longer, here’s what you do:
1. Click on the Apple logo and go to ‘System Preferences.’
2. Find and click ‘Battery’ (for laptops) or ‘Energy Saver’ (for desktops).
3. Adjust the ‘Turn display off after’ slider to whatever suits you. I usually go for 15 minutes while on battery and 30 minutes when plugged in.
4. Explore other energy-saving settings within the same menu to optimize overall performance and battery health. This little tweak should help you focus better without annoying interruptions.


Sure, adjusting the screen timeout on your Mac is really straightforward. Just follow these steps:
1. Open the Apple menu by clicking the Apple icon at the top-left corner of the screen.
2. Select ‘System Preferences.’
3. Choose ‘Battery’ if you’re on a MacBook or ‘Energy Saver’ for iMacs.
4. Adjust the ‘Turn display off after’ slider to your preferred time interval.
5. For extra battery-saving options, check the boxes that fit your needs. And that’s it, your new settings will apply immediately.