Why won’t my tablet turn on even though it’s charged?

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I’ve been facing an issue with my tablet recently, and it’s becoming increasingly frustrating. Despite having it plugged in and indicating that it’s fully charged, my tablet just doesn’t seem to turn on. I’ve tried holding down the power button for extended periods, but nothing happens on the screen. The tablet shows no signs of life, no vibration, no startup sound; it’s as if it’s completely dead. I use this device for both work and entertainment, so having it inaccessible is quite a hassle. I’m wondering if there’s an internal issue with the battery or the hardware. It’s particularly puzzling because I’m sure it’s been charged, yet it remains unresponsive. Could there be an underlying issue that I’m missing here?


8 Answers


In some cases, a tablet that won’t power on despite being charged may have an internal component failure. Parts of the motherboard, battery connections, or other essential circuits could be damaged. This usually requires professional repair and can’t be easily diagnosed at home.


If none of these apply, it’s advisable to perform a hard reset by pressing and holding a specific combination of buttons. Holding the power and volume down buttons simultaneously for 10-15 seconds often forces a reboot on many devices. Look up the correct method for your specific model if this doesn’t work.


One potential reason could be that the battery itself is defective. Over time, even rechargeable batteries degrade and lose their ability to hold a charge, despite what the charge indicator shows. In such a case, replacing the battery might be the only viable solution.


Finally, it is essential to ensure the tablet wasn’t exposed to water or extreme temperatures in recent times. Moisture or overheating can damage internal components severely and might cause the tablet to fail even if it appears to be charging just fine. If this is the case, professional assessment and repair are recommended.

  1. One possibility is that there might be an issue with the power button itself. It could be stuck or broken, preventing it from properly making contact and sending a signal to turn on the device. This can sometimes be fixed by carefully cleaning around the button or pressing it in various ways to see if a specific angle or pressure works.
  2. It’s also worth considering that the charging port may be faulty. Even though the tablet shows it’s charged, the connection might not be solid, leading to inconsistent charging. Ensure there is no debris in the port and test with different cables and chargers.
  3. A more complex issue could be a software glitch or firmware corruption. This sometimes requires a specific combination of button presses to reset or enter recovery mode. Check the manufacturer’s website for model-specific instructions.

The issue might be with the display. Sometimes, the tablet is actually turning on, but the display isn’t functioning, so it appears dead when it isn’t. You can check for signs that the tablet is operational, like connecting it to a computer to check for device recognition or listening for startup sounds and vibrations. If you discover it’s indeed a display problem, you might need a screen replacement.


Another good approach is to check if the tablet recognizes charging by plugging it into a computer or another power source. Sometimes power sources behave differently, and you might find it starts charging more effectively. If it responds to a different source, the issue might lie in your current charger or outlet rather than the tablet itself.


It might be a case of software malfunction. This doesn’t mean your tablet needs a hardware fix right away. Sometimes merely performing a software update can resolve such issues, as outdated software can lead to power management issues. As a last resort, consider connecting to a PC and attempting to reflash the operating system.